Current Revision: 2022-12-23
Admins/Editors/Moderators of the official Facebook Page(s) & Group(s)
for the Utah Filmmakers™ Association.
1.0 Utah Filmmakers™ Assoc. Facebook Page
1.1 Page Administration
Only legally recognized corporate principals of the Utah Filmmakers™ Association may be allowed continuous administrative access to the organization’s official Facebook page(s).
1.1.1 Temporary Administrative Privileges
Temporary administrative access to the official page(s) may be granted to participants in the Utah Filmmakers™ Associate Program.
1.2 Page Editors
Page Editor access may be granted to Utah Filmmakers™ Associates.
2.0 Utah Filmmakers™ Facebook Group
2.1 Group Admins
Only legally recognized corporate principals of the Utah Filmmakers™ Association may function as Admins for the organization’s Official Forum, the Utah Filmmakers™ group on Facebook
2.1.1 Temporary Admins
Existing group Moderators may be granted Temporary Admin status should those tools be needed for a specific purpose.
2.2 Group Moderators
Individuals invited to be Moderators for the Official Forum shall be Utah Filmmakers™ Associates—or be otherwise recognized as meeting the Program’s requirements.
2.3 Digital Credentials
Official group Admins and Moderators are issued digital credentials based on the Open Badges standard.
Prepared by:
Joseph L. Puente
Utah Filmmakers™ Association