
[DOCUMENT: 202408_UFA_Confidential_A]

Current Revision:2024-08-27

Confidentiality Agreement for Principal Members & Fiduciaries
Pursuant to the Utah Filmmakers Association Information & Data Security Policy.

Principal Members include corporate officers listed with the Utah Department of Commerce.

Fiduciaries include individuals entrusted with or granted authorized access to confidential information related to the Utah Filmmakers Association’s operations, projects, and programs.

1.0 Policy on confidential information

It is the policy of Utah Filmmakers (DBA Utah Filmmakers Association et al., hereinafter the “Organization”) that Principal Members (i.e. Corporate Principals including—but not limited to—the Board of Directors and other Officers, hereinafter “Leadership”) of the Organization and any directly or indirectly affiliated Fiduciaries will not disclose confidential information belonging to, or obtained through their affiliation with, the Organization to any person, including their relatives, friends, and business and professional associates unless the Organization has authorized such disclosure.

1.1 Exception regarding law enforcement

This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure when it is required by law in writing.

2.0 Confidentiality

Confidentiality is the preservation of privileged information. All UFA Members and Fiduciaries are enjoined to adhere to the Organization’s Code of Ethics & Conduct at all times, especially when handling any information related to the Organization, to avoid unauthorized or improper disclosures.

2.1 Disclosure and communication restrictions

While Principal Members and Fiduciaries are expected to discuss the Organization, its projects, and programs with one another, opinions expressed in confidential meetings or memoranda shall not be disclosed, nor shall they report independently on any actions taken by the Organization or engage in any communication that has not been approved by UFA Leadership or otherwise not supported by official policies, procedures, or decisions.

3.0 Obligations

Upon the conclusion of one’s participation in any project, program, or discourse—regardless of venue or medium—Principal Members and/or Fiduciaries shall, at the Organization’s request, return, delete, and/or destroy all documentation, memoranda, related notes, papers, and other materials, regardless of medium, which may contain or be derived from confidential information, in their possession.

4.0 Expectations

Principal Members and Fiduciaries are expected not to use confidential information, member lists, or other privileged data acquired due to being a Principal Member and/or Fiduciary, even after they complete their service with the Organization.

5.0 Certification

I have read the Confidentiality Agreement for Principal Members & Fiduciaries as presented above, and agree to abide by its requirements pursuant to the Organization’s Information & Data Security Policy and to inform UFA Leadership if it is believed that any violation (unintentional or otherwise) of the policy or this agreement has occurred.

Signature (SIGNED) Name (PRINTED) Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Alternative Certification Statement (To be used when the statement is included with confidential materials)

[DOCUMENT: 202408_UFA_Confidential_B]

Current Revision:2024-08-27

5.0 Certification (by inclusion)

The inclusion of the Utah Filmmakers Association’s Confidentiality Agreement for Principal Members & Fiduciaries with this document is indicative of the reader(s)’ agreement to abide by its requirements pursuant to the Organization’s Information & Data Security Policy and to inform UFA Leadership if it is believed that any violation (unintentional or otherwise) of the policy or this agreement has occurred.